Based on the American hymn tune “Idumea,” Rhapsody on a Shape-Note Hymn captures the vigor and poignancy of this unique type of American sacred music, while also exploring some newer elements of arhythmic, free-form composition. Joseph Weber composed this original trio version in 1988. An adaptation for string orchestra by Steven Paxton is also available from Creative Spirit. The hymn “Idumea” itself gained renewed recognition as part of the soundtrack for the 2003 film Cold Mountain, in which it was performed by The Sacred Harp Singers.
Joseph Weber was a composer, pianist, organist and teacher originally based in the San Francisco Bay area, and later living and working in Santa Fe, New Mexico. In California in the 1960’s he was associated with an important group of musicians and composers including Terry Riley, La Monte Young, Stuart Dempster, Pauline Oliveros, and others. This work is part part of Creative Spirit’s JOSEPH WEBER ARCHIVES series, edited and prepared by Steven Paxton, the curator of Weber’s manuscripts.