Five Celtic Tunes – Violin Solo with Piano Accompaniment
Includes: “Swallowtail Jig”, “My Love Is Like a Red, Red Rose”, “The Glasgow Reel” (“Tam Lin”), “The Parting Glass”, and “Haste to the Wedding”
Video Sample – Five Celtic Tunes This book includes five Celtic tunes, ranging in style from lively dances to mournful melodies, arranged for violin solo with piano accompaniment and including chords for guitar accompaniment. The five tunes are “Swallowtail Jig”, “My Love Is Like a Red, Red Rose”, “The Glasgow Reel” (“Tam Lin”), “The Parting Glass”, and “Haste to the Wedding”. Truly a pleasure to play and perform.
Thank you to Clker-Free-Vector-Images at pixabay for the cover image.